1. The person : in Chinese medicine, many of the channels "yang" across the face, and the yang energy is directly related to male sexual energy and irritation.
2. The front side of the neck stroking here, turn on the thyroid, a tiny gland that ensures the functioning of various body functions including energy and the sex drive.
3. Earsentire ear is an erogenous zone in the pod until the inside. Blow, talk, the glypste and bite them. Light, not delicacy.
4. The palms Although the skin is generally harder there than elsewhere in the body are pockets erotogenon endings. With fingers or fallages you lightly press the "knoll" where the fingers join the palm.
5.The average acupuncturists believe that the region of the kidneys and lower back, just above the waist, is a source of intense sexual energy. So be sure to caress, kiss him, scratch him and licks him with ... skill.
6. The Belly button According to Chinese medicine, the path between the navel and stomach low, corresponds to that of the perineum, the erogenous zone located immediately after the testicles. So you understand.
7. Behind the knees where the skin is very thin and soft, and are gathered together many nerve endings
8. In the hollow below the ankles Among ankle and heel is a very sensitive point, where if you press (light, otherwise it hurts a lot) and stroked, will begin to excited.
9. Soles of feet from the nerve endings start PT ykataligoun other erogenous zones of the body. Bending your fingers, then gently massage with your finger phalanges.
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